Greek Lexicon - Search Results
Greek Bible LexiconDictionary Search Results21 - 40 of 63 results for stone peter cephas Go Back 21.G2264 Herodes hayrodace compound of heros a hero and G1491 n pr m 22.G2303 theion thion probably of G2304 in its original sense of flashing n n 23.G2306 theiodes thiodace from G2303 and G1491 adj 24.G2393 iaspis eeaspis probably of foreign origin see H3471 n f 25.G2495 Ionas eeonas of Hebrew origin H3124 n pr m 26.G2642 katalithazo katalithadzo from G2596 and G3034 v 27.G2776 kephale kefalay from the primary kapto in the sense of seizing n f 28.G2786 Kephas kayfas of Aramaic origin H3710 n pr m 29.G2930 krustallos kroostallos from a derivative of kruos frost n m 30.G2998 latomeo latomeho from the same as the first part of G2991 and the base of G5114 v 31.G3034 lithazo lithadzo from G3037 v 32.G3035 lithinos litheenos from G3037 adj 33.G3036 lithoboleo lithoboleho from a compound of G3037 and G0906 v 34.G3037 lithos leethos apparently a primary word n m 35.G3038 lithostrotos lithostrotos from G3037 and a derivative of G4766 adj 36.G3124 Malchos malkhos of Hebrew origin H4429 n pr m 37.G3139 marmaros marmaros from marmairo to glisten n m 38.G3457 mulikos mooleekos from G3458 adj 39.G3458 mulos moolos probably ultimately from the base of G3433 through the idea of hardship n m 40.G3684 onikos onikos from G3688 adj Result Page: Prev 1 2 3 4
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