Greek Lexicon - Search Results
Greek Bible LexiconDictionary Search Results41 - 60 of 63 results for stone peter cephas Go Back 41.G4073 petra petra from the same as G4074 n f 42.G4074 Petros petros apparently a primary word n pr m 43.G4112 plastos plastos from G4111 adj 44.G4348 proskomma proskommah from G4350 n n 45.G4350 proskopto proskopto from G4314 and G2875 v 46.G4538 salpistes salpistace from G4537 n m 47.G4552 sappheiros sapfiros of Hebrew origin H5601 n f 48.G4555 sardinos sardeenos from the same as G4556 adj 49.G4556 sardios sardeeos properly an adjective from an uncertain base adj 50.G4613 Simon seemone of Hebrew origin H8095 n pr m 51.G4651 skorpios skorpeeos probably from an obsolete skerpo perhaps strengthened from the base of G4649 and meaning to pie... 52.G4665 smaragdos smaragdos of uncertain derivation n f 53.G4670 Sodoma sodomah plural of Hebrew origin H5467 n pr loc 54.G4826 Sumeon soomehone from the same as G4613 n pr m 55.G5000 Tabitha tabeethah of Aramaic origin H6646 n pr f 56.G5116 topazion topadzeeon from a presumed derivative alternately of topazos a topaz of uncertain origin n n 57.G5192 huakinthos hooakinthos of uncertain derivation n m 58.G5194 hualos hooalos perhaps from the same as G5205 as being transparent like rain n m 59.G5472 chalkedon khalkaydohn from G5475 and perhaps G1491 n m 60.G5482 charax kharax from charasso to sharpen to a point akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching n m Result Page: Prev 1 2 3 4
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