Greek Dictionary (Lexicon-Concordance)
Key Word Studies (Translations-Definitions-Meanings)
» G2399 «
#2399 ἰδιώτης idiotes {id-ee-o'-tace}
from G2398; TDNT - 3:215,348; n m
Greek Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar)
1) a private person as opposed to a magistrate, ruler, king
2) a common soldier, as opposed to a military officer
3) a writer of prose as opposed to a poet
4) in the NT, an unlearned, illiterate, man as opposed to the
learned and educated: one who is unskilled in any art
Thayer's (New Testament Greek-English Lexicon)
From G2398; a private person, that is, (by implication) an ignoramus (compare "idiot"):ignorant, rude, unlearned.
Strong's (Greek Dictionary of the New Testament)
- #2399.
- ι᾿διω´της
- idiōtēs; from 2398; a private or unskilled person:
- NASB - ungifted(1), ungifted man(1), ungifted men(1), unskilled(1), untrained(1).
NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries
Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation All rights reserved
AV - unlearned 3, ignorant 1, rude 1; 5
- ignorant
- Acts 4:13.
- rude
- 2 Corinthians 11:6.
- unlearned
- 1 Corinthians 14:16, 23, 24.
Exhaustive Concordance (KJV Translation Frequency & Location)